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Konkurs wiedzy o Szkocji dla klas I liceum

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 Udział w tym wewnątrzszkolnym konkursie jest dobrowolny, uczestniczą w nim chętni z I klas liceum wykazujący się ogólną znajomością języka angielskiego na poziomie pre-intermediate. Na potrzeby konkursu opracowałam regulamin , z którym uczestnicy zostaną zapoznani przed rozpoczęciem zadania, a poprawność odpowiedzi ocenią członkowie Komisji Konkursowej.
Opracowując zagadnienia konkursowe wykorzystałam różne formy zadań - krótkie odpowiedzi, zadania wielokrotnego wyboru, zdania typu prawda/fałsz.
Konkurs może być również wykorzystany podczas lekcji języka angielskiego jako materiał bazowy ( bądź uzupełniający ) na temat Szkocji.


NAME : __________________
CLASS : __________________


1. The capital of Scotland is ____________.
a. Glasgow
b. Dumbarton
c. Scone
d. Edinburgh

2. What is the official language of Scotland ?
a. Scottish
b. English
c. Gaelic
d. Latin

3. What is the official Scottish currency ?
a. Dollar
b. Euro
c. Shilling
d. Pound

4. What is Scotland's official religion ?
a. Roman Catholic
b. Presbyterian ( Church of Scotland )
c. Methodist
d. Anglican ( Church of England )

5. What is Scotland's national anthem ?
a. Flower of Scotland
b. Whistle and I'll Come to Ye
c. MacIntosh's Lament
d. Loch Lomond

6. What is the approximate population of Scotland ?
a. Three million
b. Ten million
c. Five million
d. Twelve million


7. What's the name of the famous Scot who invented the telephone ?
_________________________________________________ .
8. What's the name of the famous Scot who invented the television ?
_________________________________________________ .
9. What's the name of the famous Scottish writer who wrote 'Sherlock Holmes' series ?
_________________________________________________ .
10. What's the name of the famous Scottish writer who wrote 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' ?
_________________________________________________ .
11. What's the name of the famous Scot who invented the raincoat ?
_________________________________________________ .
12. What's the name of Scotland's national poet whose birth is celebrated on January 25th every year ?
_________________________________________________ .


13. Which Scottish town is the 'Home of Golf' ?
a. St.Andrews
b. Moray
c. Skye
d. Galloway

14. Which Scottish city hosts the 'International Festival of Music
and Drama', every August ?
a. Edinburgh
b. Glasgow
c. Aberdeen
d. Dundee

15. Which Scottish city is famous for its granite and oil ?
a. Inverness
b. Peterhead
c. Stirling
d. Aberdeen

16. Which Scottish city was Britain's second city in the Victorian
era, after earning its riches through engineering, ship building,
iron, steel and the textile industries ?
a. Edinburgh
b. Aberdeen
c. Glasgow
d. Dundee

17. Which Scottish town is famous for its annual Highland Gathering ? ( even the Queen and other members of the Royal Family attend the Highland Games )
a. Balmoral
b. Braemar
c. Ballater
d. Banchory

18. Which city is the capital of the Highlands ?
a. Inverness
b. Nairn
c. Elgin
d. Dingwall


19. William Wallace ( a.k.a. Braveheart ) led his popular revolt in the late 1200's and early 1300's . T / F
20. In 1314 Scotland gained its independence from
England . T / F
21. The oldest Scotland's university - St.Andrew's - was founded
in 1511 . T / F
22. In the sixteenth century a lot of Edinburgh's citizens fell ill
with Bubonic Plague. T / F
23. In 1603, following the death of Queen Elizabeth I,
James VI ( Scottish Monarch) acceded to the throne
of England . T / F
24. In 1998 Scotland got asked if it wanted its own
parliament. T / F


25. Scotland's longest river is _______________ .
a. Tay
b. Forth
c. Spey
d. Clyde

26. What's the largest freshwater loch ( or lake ) in Scotland ?
a. Loch Fyne
b. Loch Ness
c. Loch Lomond
d. Loch Awe

27. What's the highest peak in Scotland ?
a. Ben Lomond
b. Ben Macdhui
c. Ben Nevis
d. Cairngorm

28. What's the longest loch in Scotland ?
a. Loch Awe
b. Loch Ness
c. Loch Fyne
d. Loch Lomond

29. Which river runs through Glasgow ? ( it's one of the most polluted rivers in Europe)
a. Clyde
b. Tay
c. Forth
d. Dee

30. What's Scotland's largest city ?
a. Edinburgh
b. Stirling
c. Glasgow
d. Aberdeen


31. Who's the patron saint of Scotland ?
32. What's the name of the skirt worn by men in Scotland ?
33. What is the checked pattern on Scottish clothing called ?
34. What's the name of the national musical instrument which once led Scottish soldiers into battle ?
35. What does 'Mac' in the popular Scottish names like MacDonald or MacGregor mean ?
36. What is the Edinburgh castle built on ?
37. In which year was the first ever recorded land sighting of the Loch Ness Monster ?
38. Scotland has two flags - the Saltire or St.Andrew's cross
( white on blue ) and the ______________ (yellow and red ).
______________ is the Royal flag and is supposed to only be
used by royalty and the Saltire is the oldest flag in Europe.
39. Is it proper to refer to the Scottish people as 'Scotch' ?
40. What is Scotland's national dish made from liver, cereals and fat called ? It is served in sheep's stomach.


1. d
2. b
3. d
4. b
5. a
6. c

7. Alexander Graham Bell
8. John Logie Baird
9. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
10. Robert Louis Stevenson
11. Charles Macintosh
12. Robert Burns

13. a
14. a
15. d
16. c
17. b
18. a

19. T
20. T
21. F ( in 1411 )
22. T
23. T
24. F ( in 1997 )

25. a
26. c
27. c
28. b
29. a
30. c

31. St. Andrew
32. kilt
33. tartan
34. bagpipes
35. son of
36. an extinct volcano
37. 1933
38. Lion Rampant / Lion Rampant
39. No. Scotch is a type of whisky made in Scotland.
Scottish people are properly referred to as Scots or even British.
40. 'haggis'

Opracowała Agnieszka Pierzchała
ZSO nr1 w Jeleniej Górze

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